Birth Boot Camp: Become a Birth Boot Camp Instructor
This blog post was written by the Birth Boot Camp Certification Team
Birth Boot Camp is training women who have had an unmedicated birth and breastfed their baby for at least one year to become Birth Boot Camp Instructors.
Our certification program is like none other. A trainee needs to allow approximately 6-9 months to complete the requirements before coming to their chosen workshop.
Our workshop is very hands on, filled with teaching opportunities, learning marketing skills, and taking fellow trainees through relaxation exercises.
The workshop is the finale of the training program. When you leave the workshop, you will be ready to teach in your community. We literally provide everything you need to teach – your instructor manual, birth videos, optional supplemental teaching videos on various topics, and your own student Field Manual. All the games, current resources, links, etc. are all found on the Instructor website.
To apply, fill out this online application. Once you are accepted, pay the deposit for your desired workshop. This is important because not only will this reserve your spot, but you will receive partial access to the Instructor website where you will be able to download your Study Guide and begin your training.
Currently, all workshops are held in the Dallas-Ft. Worth area. We plan to conduct workshops in selected U.S. cities beginning in 2014.
There is such a need for Birth Boot Camp at this time. We are all about natural birth, and we believe our natural childbirth program provides the best “road map” for families to get there. We are contemporary – utilizing the internet and social media to connect with families worldwide. We provide convenience through the online classes – students and Instructors alike are able to take advantage of this valuable resource.
If you have questions about Birth Boot Camp, we are more than happy to answer them. For more information, email [email protected].